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The Politician in an Edenic Society

June 27, 2009
The Politician in an Edenic Society
In an Edenic society the man who today is a politician, if living in this theoretical perfect community, would find fault and continuously formulate law to manage the lives of men. Although government itself would be unnecessary in this place, there are those who are born to bureaucratize, those that seek to entrench themselves into a superstructure that dictates outwardly rarely looking inward. Here the fragile weak man can find sanctuary, he is safe and in charge, something he could never achieve on his own outside the superstructure.
With that said we have defined the type of man we must deal with today, the typical politician. A type who derives self-worth from asserting his will over other men. There are of course exceptions to the rule but they are few and far between and you will find the type of man who is described here is ever increasing within the ranks of modern government.

In an Edenic society the man who today is a politician, if living in this theoretical perfect community, would find fault and continuously formulate law to manage the lives of men. Although government itself would be unnecessary in this place, there are those who are born to bureaucratize, those that seek to entrench themselves into a superstructure that dictates outwardly rarely looking inward. Here the fragile weak man can find sanctuary, he is safe and in charge, something he could never achieve on his own outside the superstructure.

With that said we have defined the type of man we must deal with today, the typical politician. A type who derives self-worth from asserting his will over other men. There are of course exceptions to the rule but they are few and far between and you will find the type of man who is described here is ever increasing within the ranks of modern government.

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